I write romance novels. Correction, I LOVE writing romance novels. As my new heroine claims, love definitely makes the world go round (or it should.)
So what is love?
Is it a song? Is it a feeling? An action of giving and receiving? Is it a belief, in yourself and in someone else? Is it a natural state that every human should be in but very few are? Is it an act of will, sheer bloody-mindedness to see the world through red-tinted shades? Is it a self-delusion of an optimist? Is it The Path to Heaven (whichever type you believe in?)
Or is it just evolution? Nature's way of ensuring the survival of a species by triggering happy chemical responses all around our nervous system, making us do mad things like mating and marriage?
I say its all of that and more.
I say its just three little words.
I love you.

I love you in different languages:
Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi - Bangla
Ngo oiy ney a - Cantonese
Ik hou van jou - Dutch
Doset daram - Persian
Je t`aime/ Je t`adore - French
Ich liebe dich - German
S`agapau - Greek
Hoo thunay prem karoo choo - Gujarati
Aloha wau ia oi - Hawaiian
Hum tumhe pyar karte hae - Hindi
Ti amo - Italian
Te amo - Latin
Ya liubliu tebya - Russian
Te quiero / Te amo - Spanish
(Images- Copyright (c) <a href='http://www.123rf.com'>123RF Stock Photos</a> and Copyright (c) <a href='http://www.123rf.com'>123RF Stock Photos</a>)
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