On Author's Circle today, we're chatting with Pia Padukone about her debut literary novel, Where Earth Meets Water.
So Pia, Tell us about your new release?
Where Earth Meets Water is
the story of Karom, a young man who is coming to grips with his own form of
survivor guilt. In a strange twist of fate – or luck – he has managed to narrowly avoid a number of tragedies during which he has lost friends and loved ones
while seemingly emerging unscathed. But his grief doesn’t end with him; the
novel is also about three people who are inextricably tangled in his life, from
his girlfriend Gita, who is determined to help him overcome his grief, his best
friend Lloyd, who realizes demons of his own through Karom’s suffering, and
Gita’s grandmother Kamini, a wise woman who is searching for a catharsis of her
That sounds like a lovely karmic masala story! Which brings me to my next question...
What started you on your karmic journey to be a
My family –
particularly my maternal grandmother upon whom the character of Kamini is based
– was adamant about making me fall in love with books at a very young age. When
I was five years old, my Ajji enrolled me in summer reading program at the
library during which I had to read 15 books…I ended up reading 120! I fell in
love with words, with reading, and with storytelling at a very young age. I was
the District 2 Storytelling champion for three years straight. When I was
twelve, my grandfather gifted me with an vintage typewriter upon which I tapped
out my first “novel,” about a young girl who yearns to swim the English
So, you always had it in you...
Do you write at a laptop/desktop or freehand?
generally write on my laptop, but there are times when I am on the subway and
an idea will strike me, and I’ll type a passage into the notes section on my
phone. I also always carry around a Moleskine notebook with me into which I jot
down ideas and inspiration.
Sounds quite efficient! Do you have a day job where you honed your efficiency?
Until recently, I did
have a day job and will have one again. I wrote Where Earth Meets Water in the
early morning hours before I went to my “9-5” job as a copywriter at a
pharmaceutical advertising agency. I use quotes because the hours with my job
were famously unpredictable; sometimes I would work past midnight. As a result,
I learned to write in the mornings before I went to work. These hours were
precious and unadulterated because no one could take them away from me. I’ll
return to copywriting in the new year; along with a child, it’s going to be a
delicate balance finding the time to write my third novel!
Well, good luck to you in all your endeavours!
What do you love about writing?
One of the best parts
about writing Where Earth Meets Water
was that I wrote it for myself. It was a story that was inside me, and I
couldn’t not write it; it was
bursting to come out. I wrote it certainly hoping that one day it might get
published, but without any preconceived notions of doing so. There was something
very pure about the process as a result.
Always wonderful to do things for the pure pleasure of doing them as opposed to as a means to an end, ya?
Did you know the title before you started
My working title was Fairytales of Freedom, quite a different
title than Where Earth Meets Water. I
learned, during the lead up to publication, that marketing a book is quite
different than writing one. There are multitudes of decisions that can
influence someone to pick up a book, particularly its cover and title.
Ultimately, the title for the story was one that my editor found contained as a
phrase within the pages of my manuscript.
I personally like Where Earth Meets Water more...
So, where do you get your inspiration?
New York City is one of
my greatest muses. I derive inspiration from conversations I overhear on the subway, from museum
exhibits, plays, etc. I’m also always inspired by what I read.
I can totally get that. Also, I'd say the same for Mumbai :)
How many books do you read/month?
Last year, I read 99
books; I was so frustrated that I didn’t make it to 100! It really depends on
what else I have going on in my life, but I would say that I read at least one book a week.
Hope you make the 100 this year!
Do you prefer Twitter or Facebook?
Facebook. I find
Twitter daunting and the amount that some people tweet and manage to keep
people hooked is truly an artform. Do people really care what I randomly have
to say? I suppose if you’re a good Tweeter, they do!
you could visit any place in the world or a place created by a book, where
would you visit?
Hogwarts. I’d love to explore the
inner workings of that magical place that birthed hundreds of talented witches
and wizards.
You're in luck, then, as you can! I too am dying to go to the Harry Potter World at Universal. I have reports that its AMAZING! Maybe we can go together over a writer's weekend? :)
Are you writing something else at the
Yes! My second novel
will be published next year. It’s the story of two families who meet through a
student exchange program. I visited Estonia earlier this year in order to
research the culture.

To connect with Pia, here are links to her:
Click to buy her book:
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