Sunday, January 3, 2016



It's my BIRTHDAY! And a New Year and thus my mind shifts to things that need to be done, should be done and would be nice if were done.

To be done:
Have 2 novels to finish this year. TMCRA which is about 1/3 of it's way through the birthing canal. And Book 2 in the Age of Kali series, which is only a thought and a rough outline yet. 

Should be done:
I have a women's fiction novel coming out in May, and I need to get cracking on cover, blurb, advance reviews, editing, promo, motion maybe not that. It's not as if writing and then producing a book for reader posterity is anything like screeching up and down a roller coaster. Or is it?

Would be nice if done:
Start Book 3 of Age of Kali series. Take a screenwriting course. Take a drama class/ archery lesson/ sailing lesson. Spend 2 months alone in Scotland and write.

Those are my goals/plans/ hopes for 2016. What are some of yours, Dear Reader?


  1. ARPITA SUBHADARSHINEEJanuary 6, 2016 at 11:25 AM

    Hello ma'am, hope you are fine...I would love to win a book of yours in the upcoming book giveaway....

    1. Hi Arpita, thanks for commenting. But the post you need to comment on is this:
      Also, if you're in India, there's a Goodreads giveaway going on for Soul Warrior right now.
